The Meadowbrook Flats development:
In May, Pinnacle Construction filed plans with the city for a two-phase development in the area currently occupied by the Meadowbrook Shopping Center - near the corner of Barracks Road and Emmet Streets. After objections raised by city planners, staff, and neighbors, the Phase 2 plan was withdrawn. The apartment building of Phase 1 (72 apartments) remains under review with the city planning department. It is unclear at this date as to exactly when the planning commission will review the plans for Meadowbrook Flats. However, this will be a key moment for public input. You can write to the commission before its meeting and/or attend that hearing and offer public comment. We will let everyone know when we have that date and time. A committee (undersigned) has been monitoring the evolution of this project. For a detailed update of the plans, the planning review process, our objections, and your chances to offer your views please go to - Jack Brown – [email protected] Max Chevalier - [email protected] Rachel Harmon – [email protected] Tim Heaphy - [email protected] Tricia Humphreys - [email protected] Dena Imlay - [email protected] Rachel Lloyd - [email protected] Jay Scott - [email protected] Kurt Woerpel - [email protected] Unitarian Church Property Update We have been very active on 803 Rugby over the past month. Last week several of us, along with our counsel, Hefty & Wiley (Richmond) met with Read Brodhead, the Zoning Administrator, and Richard Harris, Assistant City Attorney. Three issues were clarified during that meeting: 1) because the church is permitted to have accessory parking in an R-1U district, the existing lot is a permitted use; 2) the present lot may be non-conforming because it does not meet applicable code standards; 3) the memo of March 29 by the Zoning Administrator was not a formal interpretation of the City Code, but rather an internal departmental communication. The result is that we have withdrawn our appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), which was scheduled to be heard on July 18. The Zoning Administrator will now continue his investigation of whether the current lot is a conforming use or not, and we have reserved our right to appeal whatever final determination he makes on this issue. Michael BeVier Phone: 434-979-1189
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