Welcome!The Venable Neighborhood Association is an open organization of all who live in our Charlottesville neighborhood. Our boundaries encompass diverse streets of old historic homes, University of Virginia student housing, Gordon Avenue library, churches, the Venable School area, and The Corner Merchant's Association. We strive to maintain and improve our community for all who live here and welcome you to enjoy this website.
Follow us on Social Media! Please Join Us! for our next VNA Board Meeting
September 11 5:30-6:30 Gordon Avenue Library Basement meeting room The Venable Neighborhood Association would like to thank these local businesses and organizations for their generous support of the 2023 VNA Spring Fling/Earth Day Celebration that took place on April 22, 2023 at Venable Elementary School:
UVA Inter-Sorority Council UVA Inter-Fraternity CouncilFinch Boutique Insomnia Cookies Marco and Luca Dumplings Mincer’s Mona Lisa Pasta & Pizza NOWyoga Ragged Mountain Running Shop Shenandoah Joe Coffee Roasters Sticks Kebob Shop The Virginian Restaurant Company |